YGO News: Structure Deck 25 - The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent

YGO News: SD (Structure Deck) Blue-Eyed Dragon is Out


Karena semua kartu yang ada di SD25, Blue-Eyed Dragon udah kereveal. Kecepetan? Well tanggal 15 Juni soalnya ini structure deck bakal direlease di OCG land.. so "kenapa kita engga buat reviewnya?" Jadi ini dia review buat SD terbaru..

STRUCTURE DECK(ストラクチャーデッキ) —青眼龍轟臨—

Release date: June 2013
Price: 1050 yen
A total of 41 cards* centered around Blue-Eyes White Dragon and its various support cards.
Has 2 Ultra Rare and 2 Super Rare cards
  • Super Rare: Azure-Eyed Maiden, Azure-Eyed Silver Dragon
  • Ultra Rare: Blue-Eyes White Dragon,
  • Rare: Storm Dragon Guard
*) Shining Angel dapet 2 

proof Shining Angel dapet 2

Azure-Eyed Silver Dragon 
LIGHT/Dragon/Level 9/Synchro/Effect/ATK 2500/DEF 3000
 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Normal Monsters
When this card is Special Summoned: Dragon-Type monsters you currently control cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects until the end of the next turn. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: You can target 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

SD25 ga bakal impact apapun ke meta tanpa ini kartu, Hieratic OTK + bisa special summon BEWD tiap turn (Yup, +1 tiap turn) itu sesuatu.   Tapi kalo nurut ane sih mending masukin dia 1-2. kalo 3 cuma ngabis-ngabisin slot di Extra Deck.. efeknya dia yang protect kan cuma sampai End Phase of the next turn..  Di deck Dragon Ruler kalian bisa special summon 2 kartu ini dalam 1 turn. ATKnya si Blaster emang tinggi, tapi dia ga bisa ngapain monster yg ATKnya 3000. Dragossack ga bisa narget Dragon monster buat didestroy :v OTK pakai dia juga bisa dilakuin di Second Turn. efeknya yang special summon Normal Monster itu di Standby Phase, jadi otomatis engga bisa dikasi Effect Veiler. Ada beberapa combo yang bisa kalian lakuin dengan Hieratic

Hand: Tefnuit, Su, Genex Ally Birdman
  1. special summon Tefnuit> tribute Tefnuit, special summon Su  
  2. special summon Wattaildragon (deck)> bounce Su, special summon Genex Aly Birdman  
  3. synchro GAB + Wattail = Silver Dragon
Lagi lagi dia

Hand: Tefnuit, Su, Eset, Emergency Teleporter
  1. special summon Tefnuit> tribute Tefnuit, special summon Su
  2. special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon (deck)
  3. tribute Su, special summon Eset> special summon Flamvell Guard
  4. synchro Guard + BEWD = Silver Dragon
  5. aktifin E-tele> special summon Krebons> synchro Krebons + Eset = Black Rose Dragon> BOOM> ancur semuanya.. :v

Azure-Eyed Maiden
 LIGHT/Dragon/Level 1/Tuner/ATK 0/DEF 0
When this card is targeted for an attack: You can negate the attack, and if you do, change this card's battle position, then you can Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. When this face-up card is targeted by a card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. You can only use 1 "Blue-Eyed Maiden" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Decoy Dragon tapi versi lebih bagusnya. Lebih bagus buat Blue-Eyes maksudnya :v Karena doski Spellcaster maka engga asing kalo kalian sering liat dia di YGOPro di deck Spellbook. Mainly sih banyak Spellbook yang target.. Maiden juga bisa dispecial summon dengan Spellbook of Judgment. Combo dia + Spellbook of Power, Spellbook of Wisdom atau Wonder Wand buat draw 2 + summon Blue-Eyes. Kalau galau dia diancurin, bisa pakai Safe Zone buat narget + lindungin dia.. Tapi kan Blue-Eyes Level 8? Ga bisa disummon kalo ada Evilswarm Ophion. -_-

2 Cards OTK
  1. normal summon Maiden
  2. aktifin Emergency Teleport> special summon Raizbellt The Regulator (deck)
  3. aktifin efeknya Raizbellt> target Maiden (Level 1 jadi Level 4)> efek Maiden nyala gegara ditarget> special summon Blue-Eyes (deck).
  4. synchro Maiden + Raizbelt = 4+3=7 = Ancient Sacred Wyvern
  5. Battle Phase: direct attack pakai 3000 ATK Blue-Eyes (LP lawan jadi 5000)> efeknya ASW ngebuat ATKnya dia berubah jadi 51000> serang pakai ASW> OTK

Buat yang demen ama Kaiba x Kisara bisa ditonton videonya :3
Storm Dragon Guard
 LIGHT/Dragon/Level 1/Tuner/ATK 500/DEF 200
You can target 1 Dragon-Type Normal Monster you control; equip this monster from your hand or your side of the field to that target. If the monster equipped with this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.

Spirit of the Six Samurai buat Dragon. Tapi lebih bagus lagi kalo dia punya efek kek monster Union yang bisa special summon dari S/T. Ngenormal summon dia terlalu ngabisin jatah. Sampah.. Kalau gua mo nyari piercing damage mending pakai itu trap yang buat semua dragon (ga cuma 1) bisa ngasi piercing . Kalau mo masukin dia, bawa 1 aja. Tapi lebih baik ga usah dibawa..
Bellow of the Silver Dragon 
Quickplay Spell Card
Target 1 Dragon-Type Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. You can only activate 1 "Bellow of the Silver Dragon" per turn.

Quickplay Spell, jadi ni kartu bisa diaktifin di End Phase sendiri atau End Phase lawan. Efeknya lebih keren dari Swing of Memories. (udah pada tau kan larinya ke mana? So pasti ke Hieratic) Lumayan bagus. Aktifin Trade-In> discard Blue-Eyes> Draw 2 kartu> aktifin ni kartu> special summon Blue-Eyes. +0 :v

Dragon Mausoleum 
Normal Spell Card
Send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, then, if the monster you sent to the Graveyard was a Normal Monster, you can send 1 Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only activate 1 "Dragon's Mausoleum" per turn.

Foolish Burial buat Dragon. Well, Foolish Burial buat Dragon yang Unlimited!! Udah jelas. Ini udah jelas boost buat Hieratic. Yup, deck thining buat Hieratic. Ditambah lagi si Hieratic Dragon of Asar jadi target bagus buat Eclipse Wyvern. Di Dragon Ruler sih ini ga begitu penting amat. Maxx "C", Effect Veiler dan Droll and Lock Bird ajauh lebih berguna... Berikut beberapa play yang bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan Dragon's Mausoleum:
  1. buang DARK Dragon-Type Normal Monster + Eclipse Wyvern> banish keduanya pakai BLS-EOTB> add kartu yang dibanish Eclipse
  2. buang Flamvell Guard dan White Stone of Legend> add Blue-Eyes> discard Blue-Eyes buat Trade-In> draw 2 kartu> di grave sekarang ada 2 Normal Monster buat target Dark Factory of the Mass Production (kalian tau ini larinya bakal kemana :v). Kalian bisa  lari ke Exodia atau summon Daigusto Emeral buat special summon Blue-Eyes. Summoner Monk + Library = Rank 4 Xyz :v
  3. kalo main Hieratic bisa buang Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King atau Luster Dragon #2 dan Tempest
  4. buang Eclipse Wyvern dan DARK/LIGHT Dragon monster (Lightpulsar/monster Hieratic)> special summon Chaos Sorcerer atau Hieratic Dragon of Asar.
  5. bisa juga buang Eclipse Wyvern + Blue-Eyes> aktifin Dragonsoul Castle> target Maiden> banish Eclipse Wyvern

Castle of Dragon Souls 
Continuous Trap Card
Once per turn: You can banish 1 Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up monster you control; it gains 700 ATK, until the End Phase. When this face-up card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 of your banished Dragon-Type monsters; Special Summon that target. You can only control 1 face-up "Castle of Dragonic Souls".

Ini dia kartu yang ga cuma bisa dimasukin di deck Blue-Eyes tapi bisa dimasukin di hampir semua deck Dragon. Kartu ini bisa aktif di damage step, dengan asumsi efeknya mirip Fire Formation - Tensen :v dan kalau diaktifin di Damage Step, itu akan ngasi kita +2 (dapet ngespecial dan ngedestroy monster lawan) :v bahkan kalau dia didestroy sama MST kita dapat ngesummon Dragon monster.  Dan efeknya Once per Turn bisa tiap turn Trigger si Maiden. Buat yang main Chaos Dragon (Hanzo build), kalian bisa pakai Magic Planter untuk ngesend Dragonsoul Castle dan draw 2 kartu karena ini Continuous Trap :v Pada deck Hieratic/Lightray, kita dapat mill dari efeknya Dragon Mausoleum buat summon Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh.. serta Kartu ini + Hieratic Seal From the Ashes bisa ngebantu kita ngerecycle juga. Intinya, staple baru buat deck Dragon.. Gimana kalau masukin ini ke deck Dragon Ruler? Aktifin Dragonsoul Castle> banish Blaster> efeknya Blaster nyala> add FIRE Dragon monster (deck)> dan kalau ada MST ya kalian bisa destroy Dragonsoul Castle buat special Dragon monster GRATIS (bayangin kalo pake di deck Chaos Dragon) :v ATKnya Tempest bisa jadi 3100 juga kalau dikasiin beginian.. Yup, +700 ATK berguna banget kalau lawan deck yang pakai Skill Drain.. kalau kalian punya Blaster di graveard dan di hand: banish Blaster dengan efeknya Dragonsoul Castle> add FIRE Dragon> Blaster yang di field ga bakal terbounce di End Phase soalnya elu udah pakai salah 1 efek Dragon Ruler. Tapi Dragon Ruler sering cepat kehabisan bahan. Gold Sarchopagus juga belom masuk Ban List jadi mereka ga perlu ni kartu buat sementara..

Jadi itu dia 6 kartu baru, biasanya di Structure Deck ada 5 kartu baru aja.. Mantap!!

  • Monster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Ultra Rare), Rabidragon, Alexandrite Dragon, Flamvell Guard, Darkstorm Dragon, Divine Dragon Apocralyph, Genesis Dragon, Mirage Dragon, Hardened Armed Dragon, The White Stone of Legend (Common), Kaibaman, Herald of Creation, Kaiser Sea Horse, Honest, Shining Angel, Maxx "C", Level Eater
  • Spell: Burst Stream of Destruction, Dragon Ravine, Terraforming, A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon, Trade-In (Common), Cards of Consonance (Common), White Elephant's Gift, Symbols of Duty, One for One, Monster Reborn (Common), Soul Exchange, Enemy Controller
  • Trap: Fiendish Chain, Damage Condenser, Call of the Haunted, Champion's Vigilance, Kunai with Chain

Lumayan dapet banyak staple dan kartu bagus dimari, tapi ya beberapa kartu di atas (Maxx "C", Fiendish Chain, dll) paling paling diganti sama KONAMI TCG dengan alasan ga logis, "dapat kartu yang sama di tiap Structure Deck itu ga asik". Buat OCGer, reprintnya Maxx "C" dan Fiendish Chain itu sesuatu lho.. Btw mereka belom ada di DN, tapi kalo mereka udah ada di DN lagsung bakal ane post di Deck Idea atau Fun Deck..

So, stay tuned. 


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