YGO News: PRIO Deluxe Edition

YGO News: PRIO Deluxe Edition

Yo~ Duelist! Beberapa hari yang lalu, tepatnya TANGGAL 16 Mei 2014,  info mengenai Primal Origin (PRIO) Deluxe Edition sudah keluar spoilernya. Gambar di atas adalah box untuk PRIO Deluxe Edition.. Seperti biasanya, ada 2 kartu baru dari DUEA yang ada di PRIO Deluxe Edition.. Dalam artikel kali ini ane, RareHunter, akan membahas tentang 2 kartu baru tersebut, yakni: Re-Cover dan The Agent of Entropy - Uranus.. Mau tau bagaimana penampakan serta efek dari 2 kartu tersebut?

リ・バイブル (DUEA-JP044)
EARTH/Level 1/Psychic/Tuner/700 ATK/300 DEF
You can only use the effect of "Re-Cover" once per turn. If this card is in your Graveyard and your opponent has at least 5 more cards in their Extra Deck than you have in yours: You can pay 2000 Life Points; Special Summon this card. If Summoned this way, banish this card when it leaves the field.

Finally, kartu untuk menggantikan Mind Master yang terbanned direlease juga sama KONAMI.. Keputusan yang tepat KONAMI.. :) Re-Cover itu monster Level 1/Tuner/Psychic.. Well, mungkin saja Re-Cover juga bisa menjadi bukti bahwa KONAMI tidak akan ngelimit/semi-limit/unlimit Glow-Up-Bulb dalam waktu yang cepat karena Re-Cover bisa menggantikannya.. ia memiliki attribute EARTH dan di textnya Re-Cover ada, "If this card is in your Graveyard and your opponent has at least 5 more cards in their Extra Deck than you have in yours: You can pay 2000 Life Points; Special Summon this card." alias sama-sama bisa dispecial summon dari Graveyard.. Bedanya ya Re-Cover lebih balance dan agak susah dispecial summon gara-gara kondisi yang dimiliki Re-Cover susah banget terpenuhi (kecu) oleh juragan-juragan yang bisa bawa 15 kartu di Extra Deck.. di RL harga kartu-kartu untuk Extra Deck rada mahal.. -_- "Tapi bukannya masih lebih bagus Plaguespreader Zombie om?" Deck Psychic enggak perlu begituan, tong.. lagian Plaguespreader Zombie enggak bisa dispecial summon Emergency Teleport. Nah kebeneran ini Re-Cover bisa dispecial summon Emergency Teleport jadi enggak perlu "pay 2000 Life Points; Special Summon this card.". 2000 Life Points itu sakit, walaupun untuk deck Psychic, dan susah juga agar "your opponent has at least 5 more cards in their Extra Deck than you have in yours:". Sampah? Mau dijadiin kartu buat ngelap pantat selesai boker gara-gara ngelihat di textnya Re-Cover ada, "You can only use the effect of "Re-Cover" once per turn. " dan "If Summoned this way, banish this card when it leaves the field."? Dengan direleasenya Re-Cover, ngedraw kelima part card Exodia pun menjadi gampang.. Hanya perlu 3 kartu di tangan..

Hand: Instant Fusion, Madolche Anjelly, Emergency Teleport
  1. normal summon Madolche Anjelly> tribute Madolche Anjelly> special summon Madolche Hootcake
  2. banish Madolche Anjelly> special summon Madolche Messengelato> add Madolche Chateau> aktifkan Madolche Chateau
  3. aktifkan Emergency Teleport> special summon Re-Cover dari Deck
  4. tune Re-Cover + Madolche Hootcake = Armory Arm/Underworld Fighter Balmung
  5. overlay Madolche Messengelato + Armory Arm = Lavalval Chain
  6. detach 1 Xyz Material> send Vylon Cube dari Deck ke Graveyard
  7. aktifkan Instant Fusion> -1000 LP> summon Elder God Noden> special summon Vylon Cube dari Graveyard
  8. tune Vylon Cube + Elder God Noden = Ancient Sacred Wyvern> add Re-Fusion dari Deck
  9. destroy Madolche Chateau> +1000 LP> add Fusion Gate
  10. aktifkan Re-Fusion> -800 LP> summon Elder God Noden> special summon Vylon Cube
  11. tune Vylon Cube + Elder God Noden = Ancient Sacred Wyvern> add Re-Fusion dari Deck
  12. overlay 2 Ancient Fairy Dragon = Dark Magician of Illusion (VJMP-JP086)
  13. detach Ancient Fairy Dragon> special summon Thousand-Eyes Idol dari Deck
  14. aktifkan Fusion Gate> banish Dark Magician of Illusion + Lavalval Chain = Elder God Noden> special summon Re-Cover dari Graveyard
  15. tune Re-Cover + Elder God Noeden = T.G. Hyper Librarian
  16. aktifkan Re-Fusion> -800 LP> summon Elder God Noden> special summon Vylon Cube dari Graveyard
  17. tune Vylon Cube + Elder God Noden = Ancient Fairy Dragon> add Re-Fusion dari Deck> draw 1 kartu
  18. aktifkan Re-Fusion> -800 LP> summon Elder God Noden dari Graveyard> special summon Vylon Cube dari Graveyard
  19. tune Vylon Cube + Elder God Noden = Scrap Archfiend> add Symbol of Heritage dari Deck> draw 1 kartu
  20. banish Scrap Archfiend + Ancient Fairy Dragon = Elder God Noden> special summon Re-Cover dari Graveyard
  21. tune Re-Cover + Thousand-Eyes Idol = Formula Synchron> draw 2 kartu dari Deck
  22. tune Formula Synchron + Elder God Noden = Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier> draw 1 kartu dari Deck
  23. aktifkan Symbol of Heritage> summon Elder God Noden> special summon Formula Synchron dari Graveyard
  24. bounce Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier ke Extra Deck dan Symbol of Heritage ke tangan
  25. ulangi step 21-24 hingga  Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One dan Exodia the Forbidden One terdraw dan lengkap ada di tangan> "you win the Duel"

Hand: Telekinetic Power Well/Soul Charge, Hushed Psyhic Cleric, 1 Psychic-Type monster
Field: Metaphysical Regeneration (set)
Grave: 3x Krebons, 2x Esper Girl, 1x Re-Cover
Extra Deck: 10-14 kartu
Extra Deck lawan: 15 kartu
  • aktifkan Telekinetic Power Well> "special summon" 3x Krebons, 1x Esper Girl, 1x Re-Cover "from your Graveyard"> "Take damage" 2700 points (kalau pakai Soul Charge "lose" 5000 Life Points)
  • overlay 3x Krebons = Number 43: Manipulator of Souls
  • normal summon Hushed Psychic Cleric> "change to Defense position"
  • "send 1" card "from your hand to the Graveyard"> "select Esper Girl in your Graveyard"> ",and banish it"
  • tune Esper Girl + Hushed Psychic Cleric = Magical Android
  • "special summon" Esper Girl> "banish the top card of your Deck face-down"
  • tune Re-Cover + Magical Android = Psychic Nightmare
  • tune Esper Girl + Psychic Nightmare = Thought Ruler Archfiend
  • "pay 2000 Life Points;"> "Special Summon Re-Cover dari Graveyard"
  • tune Re-Cover + Thought Ruler Archfiend = Hyper Psychic Blaster> masuk ke End Phase
  • aktifkan Metaphysical Regeneration> "Gain" 8000 "Life Points"> Number 43: Manipulator of Souls "gain an equal amount of ATK"> "also inflict that much damage to your opponent"
Field: Number 43: Manipulator of Souls dan Hyper Psychic Blaster
Damage: 8000 points
Life Points: 13300 points/11000 points (kalau pakai Soul Charge)

The Agent of Entropy – Uranus
死の代行者 ウラヌス (DUEA-JP036)
DARK/Level 5/Fairy/Tuner/2200 ATK/1200 DEF
If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). Once per turn: You can send 1 "The Agent" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. This card's Level becomes the Level of the monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect.

Kartu baru untuk Agent dari booster Duelist Advent/Duelist Alliance (DUEA) yang "can Special Summon (from your hand)." jika The Sanctuary in the Sky "is on the field". At first glance, ini kartu bagus.. Sudah "can Special Summon (from your hand)." eh Fairy/Tuner monster pula dan juga bisa dispecial summon menggunakan Darklord Superbia.. Ya, Uranus tidak hanya bisa dispecial smmon "If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field", dia bisa dispecial summon menggunakan Celestial Transformation/Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen, dll.. Bahkan "Once per turn: You can send 1 "The Agent" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. This card's Level becomes the Level of the monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect.". Terus The Agent of Entropy – Uranus bisa menjadi Level berapa saja?
  • Level 2: The Agent of Mystery - Earth
  • Level 3: The Agent of Creation - Venus, The Agent of Force - Mars
  • Level 4: The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury, The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter
  • Level 6: The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
Yang artinya, dengan "send 1 "The Agent" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard." kita bisa summon monster Rank 3/Rank 4/Rank 5/Rank 6 dan bisa ngeset up efeknya The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter/Master Hyperion.. Bahkan The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury jadi tidak begitu sampah-sampah banget.. :) Attribute monster ini DARK, jadi secara enggak langsung bisa menggantikan terlimitnya Genex Ally Birdman di deck Agent.. Lumayan bisa summon Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons.. :3 Enggak berguna di Agent? Well, The Agent of Entropy – Uranus bisa OTK lhoo..

Hand: Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, The Agent of Mystery - Earth, Zeradias, Herald of Heaven, Master Hyperion, Transmodify
  • normal summon The Agent of Mystery - Earth> add The Agent of Entropy – Uranus
  • send Zeradias, Herald of Heaven> add The Sanctuary in the Sky dari Deck> aktifkan The Agent of Entropy – Uranus
  • aktifkan Transmodify> send The Agent of Mystery - Earth> summon The Agent of Creation - Venus dari Deck
  • pay 1500> summon 3x Mystical Shine Ball dari Deck
  • special summon The Agent of Entropy – Uranus> send The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter dari Deck ke Graveyard
  • tune The Agent of Entropy – Uranus + 2x Mystical Shine Ball = Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
  • banish The Agent of Mystery - Earth/The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter> special summon Master Hyperion
  • banish The Agent of Mystery - Earth/The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter + The Agent of Entropy – Uranus> special summon Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Field: The Agent of Creation - Venus, Master Hyperion, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
Damage: 1600+2700+3000+3000 = 10300 points

2 Kartu baru dari Duelist Advent/Duelist Alliance (DUEA) tersebut memang cocok ditaruh di Primal Origin (PRIO) Deluxe Edition.. Pasalnya, Re-Cover itu monster Psychic/Tuner/Level 1 satu-satunya yang bisa dispecial summon Emergency Teleport pasca dibannednya Mind Master.. Sedangkan The Agent of Entropy - Uranus itu monster Level 5/Fairy yang cocok digabung dengan archetype Artifact yang ada di Primal Origin (PRIO).. Well, karena mereka sama-sama Fairy/Level 5 :youdontsay.jpg: The Agent of Entropy - Uranus juga menambah speed yang dimiliki deck Agent.. Berhubung bulan Mei sudah mau selesai, ane akan post artikel terakhir untuk Primal Origin (PRIO) Week di akhir bulan.. Jadi di bulan Juni-July kita bisa bahas Duelist Advent/Alliance (DUEA), Pendulum Summon, dan Pendulum Monster..


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