Simochi - Nurse Burn (Decklist)
Udah lama banget saya nggak ngepos disini, maafkan saya ya m(_ _)m
Disebabkan karena kegiatan yang padat dan saya belum bisa mengatur waktu (aaaa..) , tapi kali ini saya akan mencoba membagikan sesuatu, meskipun cuma decklist. Dan meskipun decklistnya juga deck lama /.\
Maklum sih, saya tidak terlalu mengikuti dunia Yu-Gi-Oh! akhir-akhir ini, jadi stuck sama deck-deck dan playstyle lama. Tapi nggakpapa, setidaknya di deck lawas ini deck ini mendapat support dari kartu yang saya anggap baru xD
Kartu apakah itu?
三位一択 (PRIO-EN080)
Trap Card/Normal
If each player has an Extra Deck: Declare 1 Extra Deck monster card type (Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz); both players reveal their Extra Deck, and the player who has more monsters of the declared card type gains 3000 Life Points.
三位一択 (PRIO-EN080)
Trap Card/Normal
If each player has an Extra Deck: Declare 1 Extra Deck monster card type (Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz); both players reveal their Extra Deck, and the player who has more monsters of the declared card type gains 3000 Life Points.
Udah kelihatan kan? :)
1x Lava Golem
3x Nurse Reficule the Fallen One
2x Marshmallon
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Cardcar D
3x Battle Fader
3x Upstart Goblin
2x Soul Taker
3x Pot of Duality
3x Reckless Greed
3x Gift Card
2x The Paths of Destiny
3x Magic Cylinder
3x Tri-and-Guess
3x Bad Reaction to Simochi
2x Dark Bribe
1x Shooting Quasar Dragon (ngerandom xD)
Makasih udah baca, makasih lagi kalau udah comment, makasih banyak kalau di share :3
-Rex Raptor
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